Just thought I'd let everyone know of my little weekend project I have. Its called Realmod, a modification I have been developing for the past few months that has been enjoying reasonable success on the World in Conflict modding forums.

This modification basically aims to improve the depth of the gameplay featured within World in Conflict, along with visual and aural tweaks I have made to make the game look and sound even more impressive.
During my time developing the mod I have incorporated many changes including overhauling the infantry squad layouts, changing the way vehicles operate and improving the balance and depth of the gameplay.
Not only that, I have also tweaked the visual effects to be more realistic and representative of the real-world hardware featured in the game. I have also recorded real-world sounds from various sources and inserted them to be used by the very same real-world weapons / vehicles featured in the game.
I have throughly enjoyed working on the mod so far, and people seem to enjoy my changes so far.
I'm working on a new release (v1.0) which will introduce more changes. If only I didn't currently have a multitude of university assignments to take down first...
I have created a few trailers for each release, you can see them here:
Here's the changelog currently, just to show the extent of my work done with Realmod:
***Changelog v1.0*** (work in progress)
Warrior - Increased Special direct damage from 30 to 37.5
US Side
Bradley - Increased TOW missile count to 2 from 1 (two missiles are now fired with one ability use)
Bradley - Decreased direct damage from 400 to 250
Bradley - Decreased indirect damage from 150 to 93.75
Apache - Changed magazine size from 10 to 5
Apache - Changed reload-time from 18 to 9
BMP-2 - Increased direct damage from 400 to 500
BMP-2 - Increased indirect damage from 150 to 187.5
Mi-24 - Changed accuracy from 1.3 to 2.6
Mi-24 - Changed reload time to 9
***Changelog v0.
** (unreleased - 27/01/2008)
-Changes with a # next to them indicate that the change will not be in effect in the single-player campaign.
-Reload time is measured in seconds.
-Firerate is measured in seconds (eg- 0.2 means 5 rounds every second).
-RPM = rounds per minute.
-With accuracy values, lower number means higher accuracy.
-Splash damage does not mean the radius/range of an explosion.
-Projectile speed changes on NATO and USSR heavy tanks was done to match it with the projectile speed set on the US tank by default.
Overall changes
-All choppers now fire more flares (8 instead of 3) when the ability is used, as well as firing them faster. Just for a better visual effect.
-Heavy choppers use a different effect for their HEAT missile attack.
Nato side
*(NATO Rifleman) - Added new sound for FAMAS rifle.
*(FV510 Warrior) - Changed cannon splash damage to 307 (up from 120).
*(FV101 Scorpion) - Changed speed decceleration to 3 (down from 10).
*(FV101 Scorpion) - Changed speed acceleration to 8 (down from 10).
*(FV101 Scorpion) - Changed max turning speed to 1.2 (down from 2).
*(FV101 Scorpion) - Changed turret rotation speed to 1.2 (down from 2).
*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed forward armour to 715(up from 650 - 10% increase).
*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed rear armour to 337.5 (down from 375 - 10% decrease).
*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed speed decceleration to 3 (down from 10).
*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed speed acceleration to 6.5 (down from 10).
*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed max turning speed to 0.75 (down from 1.6).
*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed turret rotation speed to 0.75 (down from 1.6).
#*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed cannon minimum range to 10 (up from 0).
*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed cannon reload time to 8 (up from 6).
*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed cannon direct damage to 400 (up from 300).
*(Chieftain MkV) - Changed cannon splash damage to 267 (up from 200).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed forward armour to 1650 (up from 1100 - 50% increase).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed side armour to 600 (down from 800 - 25% decrease).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed rear armour to 412.5 (down from 550 - 25% decrease).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed cannon accuracy to 0.4 (down from 0.5).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed speed decceleration to 3 (down from 10).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed speed acceleration to 5 (down from 10).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed max turning speed to 0.5 (down from 1.5).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed turret rotation speed to 0.5 (down from 1.5).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed cannon projectile speed to 550 (down from 900).
#*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed cannon minimum range to 50 (up from 0).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed cannon maximum range to 300 (up from 250).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed cannon reload time to 11 (up from 5.5).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed cannon direct damage to 560 (up from 280).
*(Leopard 2A4) - Changed cannon splash damage to 100 (up from 50).
US sides
*(A-10 Tankbuster TA) - Changed fire sound.
*(A-10 Tankbuster TA) - Changed engine sound.
*(M2A2 Bradley) - Changed cannon splash damage to 87 (up from 80).
*(M551 Sheridan) - Changed speed decceleration to 3 (down from 10).
*(M551 Sheridan) - Changed speed acceleration to 8 (down from 10).
*(M551 Sheridan) - Changed max turning speed to 1.2 (down from 2).
*(M551 Sheridan) - Changed turret rotation speed to 1.2 (down from 2).
*(M60 Patton) - Changed forward armour to 715(up from 650 - 10% increase).
*(M60 Patton) - Changed rear armour to 337.5 (down from 375 - 10% decrease).
*(M60 Patton) - Changed speed decceleration to 3 (down from 10).
*(M60 Patton) - Changed speed acceleration to 6.5 (down from 10).
*(M60 Patton) - Changed max turning speed to 0.75 (down from 1.6).
*(M60 Patton) - Changed turret rotation speed to 0.75 (down from 1.6).
#*(M60 Patton) - Changed cannon minimum range to 10 (up from 0).
*(M60 Patton) - Changed cannon reload time to 8 (up from 6).
*(M60 Patton) - Changed cannon direct damage to 400 (up from 300).
*(M60 Patton) - Changed cannon splash damage to 267 (up from 200).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed forward armour to 1375 (up from 1100 - 25% increase).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed side armour to 600 (down from 800 - 25% decrease).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed rear armour to 412.5 (down from 550 - 25% decrease).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed cannon accuracy to 0.4 (down from 0.5).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed speed decceleration to 3 (down from 10).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed speed acceleration to 5 (down from 10).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed max turning speed to 0.5 (down from 1.5).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed turret rotation speed to 0.5 (down from 1.5).
#*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed cannon minimum range to 50 (up from 0).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed cannon maximum range to 300 (up from 250).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed cannon reload time to 11 (up from 5.5).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed cannon direct damage to 560 (up from 280).
*(M1A1 Abrams) - Changed cannon splash damage to 100 (up from 50).
USSR side
*(Su-25 Tankbuster TA) - Changed engine sound.
*(BMP-2) - Changed cannon splash damage to 95 (down from 160).
*(PT-76) - Changed speed decceleration to 3 (down from 10).
*(PT-76) - Changed speed acceleration to 8 (down from 10).
*(PT-76) - Changed max turning speed to 1.2 (down from 2).
*(PT-76) - Changed turret rotation speed to 1.2 (down from 2).
*(T-62) - Changed forward armour to 715(up from 650 - 10% increase).
*(T-62) - Changed rear armour to 337.5 (down from 375 - 10% decrease).
*(T-62) - Changed speed decceleration to 3 (down from 10).
*(T-62) - Changed speed acceleration to 6.5 (down from 10).
*(T-62) - Changed max turning speed to 0.75 (down from 1.6).
*(T-62) - Changed turret rotation speed to 0.75 (down from 1.6).
#*(T-62) - Changed cannon minimum range to 10 (up from 0).
*(T-62) - Changed cannon reload time to 8 (up from 6).
*(T-62) - Changed cannon direct damage to 400 (up from 300).
*(T-62) - Changed cannon splash damage to 267 (up from 200).
*(T-80U) - Changed forward armour to 1650 (up from 1100 - 50% increase).
*(T-80U) - Changed side armour to 600 (down from 800 - 25% decrease).
*(T-80U) - Changed rear armour to 412.5 (down from 550 - 25% decrease).
*(T-80U) - Changed cannon accuracy to 0.4 (down from 0.5).
*(T-80U) - Changed speed decceleration to 3 (down from 10).
*(T-80U) - Changed speed acceleration to 5 (down from 10).
*(T-80U) - Changed max turning speed to 0.5 (down from 1.5).
*(T-80U) - Changed turret rotation speed to 0.5 (down from 1.5).
*(T-80U) - Changed cannon projectile speed to 550 (down from 900).
#*(T-80U) - Changed cannon minimum range to 50 (up from 0).
*(T-80U) - Changed cannon maximum range to 300 (up from 250).
*(T-80U) - Changed cannon reload time to 11 (up from 5.5).
*(T-80U) - Changed cannon direct damage to 560 (up from 280).
*(T-80U) - Changed cannon splash damage to 100 (up from 50).
***Changelog v0.
** (released - 13/01/2008)
Overall changes
-Updated the version number to be more representative of the mod. It is quickly turning into something more than just a few small tweaks. 
-Quite a few new sounds/effects, recorded from real-life firing sessions from the weapons they are for. See below for more detailed list of whats new in this regard.
All sides
-APCs now use the 50cal_SpecialAmmo hit effect instead of the 50cal hit effect. The result is shell impacts look more like the ammo fired by the 25/30mm cannons.
NATO side
-New gun sounds for the FV510 Warrior IFV!
US side
-New gun sounds for the M16A2 assault rifle!
-New gun sounds for the M240 machine gun!
-New gun sounds for the Bradley M2 IFV!
USSR side
-New gun sounds for the AK-47 assault rifle!
-New gun sounds for the PKM!
-New gun sounds for the UAZ-469 (uses PKM sounds instead of 50 .cal sounds, as it is equipped with a pintle-mounted PKM).
***Changelog v0.002*** (released - 11/01/2008)
Overall changes
-Added new background movie that gets loaded instead of the default World in Conflict one. Hope you like it. 
-Changed menu music from default to another WiC track. It only plays at the moment after having to reload the main menu music eg- clicking on credits then pressing ESC). The main menu music isn't refreshed within World in Conflict when loading a mod in the menu it seems, I will write up some python code in the future should fix that.
All sides
-Added 1 extra rifleman to all basic AT squads.
-Added alot of descriptive text for alot of the US units (with USSR and NATO extended descriptions coming soon when I finish doing the research). The game will now display the unit's weapon systems and other real-world info about the selected unit.
NATO side
-Changed firerate on FV510 Warrior to 1.5 (up from 0.3). Matches real-world firerate of 90RPM.
-Changed magazine capacity on Fv510 Warrior to 10 (up from 4).
-Changed direct damage on FV510 Warrior to 230 (up from 120).
US side
-Changed firerate on Bradley M2 IFV to 0.33 (up from 0.1). Matches real-world firerate of 200RPM.
-Changed magazine capacity on Bradley M2 IFV to 12 (up from 4).
-Changed reload time on Bradley M2 IFV to 2 (up from 1).
-Changed direct damage on Bradley M2 IFV to 65 (up from 60).
USSR side
-Changed firerate on BMP-2 to 0.2 (down from 0.4). Matches real-world firerate of 300RPM.
-Changed magazine capacity on BMP-2 to 10 (up from 4).
-Changed reload time on BMP-2 to 3 (up from 1).
-Changed direct damage on BMP-2 to 71 (down from 120).
***Changelog v0.001*** (released - 10/01/2008)
All sides
-Added 4 riflemen to all basic infantry squads.
I wouldn't mind starting a new mod for another game (which would most likely be for Sins of a Solar Empire) but I want to stay committed to Realmod first and finish it off so it encompasses the entirety of what is offered in World in Conflict.
I'm also actually doing a course this year at my university that goes through the basics of game design and the history of games. Interesting stuff.
I was going to apply for the Junior Game Designer position at Massive Entertainment too, but submissions for the position expire tomorrow and I'm not quite ready personally to move all the way to Sweden.
Ah well. If anyone from Stardock reads this, drop me a line if you have any junior game designer positions open just in-case I want a change in careers in the near future.